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Not a blogger.. I just write down my own thoughts and opinions about things that matter !

Sunday, 28 August 2011

The girl who lost her mind

I know a girl who lost here mind
from a constant feeling that was inside
alone she cried while everyone smiled
she couldn't get it out of her mind.

She had a smile that killed the guys
they would've traveled for many miles
just to see her face that used to shine
but now she's left in a world of lies

She used to smile but now she cries
she used to shine but now she hides
she was the girl who did everything right
but now she's the girl who lost her mind

She just couldn't take it anymore
it kept on killing her more and more
each time she tried to survive
it held her down and took her life

her world was falling apart
while she was trying to play her part
her part in the tragedy she was living in
where she was drowning in a sea of sin


while now am standing on her grave
I'm saying the prayer that might save
save me from living the life she had
coz her end was really fuckin bad

smth I wrote 5 years ago

lying here in a prison cell
Got no where to go.
Got no one to be
Counting every tear that is falling from me!

Consumed by hope
That is fading away
Enslaved to darkness
That won’t go away
Surrounded by loneliness
That is getting more
Caught in dreams
That I’m longing for

Holding the knife in my shaky hand
thinking of the moment where I can
Save my life from this pain
that has became my life

Consumed by hope
That is fading away
Enslaved to darkness
That won’t go away
Surrounded by loneliness
That is getting more
Caught in dreams
That I’m longing for

Now that the moment is here
Where I can release all my fear
I cut myself so deep
Now I’m finally free

As I open my eyes
I see everything is white
Is that heaven am in, or is hell so bright?
Isn’t that my love that I left behind?

(An Angel): He’s the one who saved you.
And took u back to his life!

Friday, 19 August 2011

When hashtags move from twitter to your dreams!

I dream of hashtags! loadz and loadz of hashtags ! 

I suppose after the recent events taking place all over the world specially in the Middle east and specifically in Egypt.. The easiest way to get hold of any news happening is just to search for a certain #Hashtag !

The last couple of days I've been searching different hashtags .. and doing my best to make some hashtags trend worldwide which always ends with a huge failure because the world cares more about hashtags like #WMYBMUSICVIDEO than #SyriaBleeds ! 

Anyway last night I had one of the weirdest dreams ever.. I saw myself writing an exam.. and the paper was full of hashtags..An exam full of hashtags..

Hashtags like :

#NoMilTrials : which is against Military trials for civilians in Egypt !
#NOSCAF: which is against the rule of the Military Council in Egypt!
#Egypt: well the hashtag explains it self.
#Jan25 : A day I'll never forget, The day the Egyptian revolution started.
#July8: The start of the second sit in that I didn't take part of coz I'm abroad.
#Tahrir: THE PLACE where it all started.
#Tahrir: The symbol of the revolution.
#Tahrir: a hashtag that was a trend world wide during the first couple of days of the revolution.
#Sinai: for current events taking place on the border with what they call "Israel" which is actually PALESTINE!
#Gaza: A beautiful place in Palestine that's been suffering for years.
#Syria: A country trying to gain their freedom but their Dictator #Assad is a murderer and is killing the people.
#SyriaBleeds: It shows the number of people dying and getting injured coz of a Dictator ruling Syria.

Endless hashtags.. Each and everyone is important in a way.. Each hashtag connects you to the world.. it connects you to certain events.. connects you to people asking for media attention..