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Not a blogger.. I just write down my own thoughts and opinions about things that matter !

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

A school project I wrote about the egyptian Media pre, during and after Jan 25


The year 2011 witnessed -as a lot of politicians and journalists call it- an arab spring or an arab uprising. It started on the 17th of December when Mohamed Bouazizi a Tunisian vegetable seller set himself on fire because he was multiply bullied on by the Tunisian government which president was Zine El Abidine Ben Ali who stepped down in mid January.
Followed by that was the Egyptian revolution that started on January 25th. A lot of people say that the Tunisian Revolution gave the push for the Egyptian people to revolt against the regime and against Mubarak's dictatorship.
Libya, Yemen and Syria followed the Egyptian revolution. The people started revolting against their governments and regimes everywhere. So far only two revolutions almost succeeded 100% in Tunis they just elected a president who was a blogger, and in Libya they killed their dictatorship and are planning to re build their country now.
Egypt is currently under the Military rule. In Yemen the people are divided and still revolting and in Syria it's bloody. Bashar El Assad the Syrian President is giving orders to their Military to kill as many people as they can who are revolting against the system.
All these "uprisings" are being covered by media. Each country is covering what's going on through their State Television and Governmental newspapers. And were covered by global news agencies as well.
This project will be focusing on the Egyptian television and newspapers and how they handled covering the revolution and what kind of ethical journalism points they ignored just to cover up to all the unfairness that was going on in the Egyptian government through out that past 30 years or so.

On July 21, 1969, The Egyptian TV started it's first black and white broadcast through one channel. The decision of starting television service in Egypt was taken first by the late King Farouk but it was delayed until 1959 due to the British-French-Israeli Suez invasion.
In 1960, the construction of the radio and television center "maspero" was completed and started broadcasting.
Throughout the history of Egypt, the state TV was always reflecting the authority's opinion. This was clear in it's support to the 1952 Revolution ideas and principles through the first years of its establishment. The state TV was used during the times of Nasser to sometimes tell unreal stories about the 1967 defeat for example which accordingly increased the degree of frustration and anger of the Egyptian people of this time.
When Anwar El Sadat was the Egyptian president, the state TV didn't improve it's performance much even though the numbers of channels increased and the hours of transmission was longer. The state TV was used again to transmit the government's view on the 1977 protests to the Egyptian citizens which included unreal and exaggerated information that lead to the suppression of these protests.
Speaking of printed press during Gamal Abd el Nasser it was also very restricted to criticise him or his government. A lot of journalists were arrested at that time if they thought of writing anything that was against the regime.
During Sadat's era it was a little bit lose there was a diversity in writing but no one had the complete freedom to write their opinion 100%.
So basically egyptian television and governmental newspapers until that moment have actually never been the voice of the egyptian people. They never represented them. They have always been the voice of the government, the inner voice to make the Egyptian people believe in what the government is doing and blind them from thinking about any thing else.

 Egyptian State Television and governmental news papers pre Jan 25

Egyptian media before the January 25 uprising were deeply implicated with the state. They sort of had a way of dominating everything.
Even Egyptian satellite channels were under direct government supervision, operation and ownership. The Egyptian Radio and Television Union  "ERTU", located in the Maspero Building in central Cairo, is the state agency that operates all terrestrially broadcast television in Egypt. Since 2009, ERTU has also included the Nile TV International satellite network. Both the ERTU and the television sector chairmen are appointed by the Minister of Information. And of course since they are appointed by a Minister they have to strictly follow all his commands.
They Egyptian State tv and governmental news papers never showed the bad side of the government. They always put Mubarak in a frame and treated him as if he was some kind of God. It was a taboo to criticise him or anything he did. Every now and then one could find a small piece of article in a local newspaper criticising a minister maybe. But it was never the main focus of the news papers and tv channels.
The content was in both almost identical. They would only list the achievements Mubarak and his government did this week for example, who he met what they talked about. They would write about future plans that supposedly would help the Egyptian people in the future and they make a huge thing out of these plans and a couple of years later it becomes forgotten.
A lot of politicians also say that the Egyptian media used football and made it in the last two years very important just to make the Egyptian people's mind busy with it and to avoid them thinking about the current situation in Egypt and how bad and corrupt everything is becoming.
That was sort of one way of manipulation how the people think and limiting their horizons of thinking and being able to create their own point of views rather than the ones the government wants them to have.

Egyptian State Television and governmental news papers from 
January 25th till February 11th

 January 25th has always been the "Police Day" in Egypt. It's something like "mother's day" but for the police. It's a day where the egyptian people should praise the police because they are the ones protecting them and they should pay them some respect on that day.
In 2011 on that day the people decided to show the police respect in a different way, because everyone knew how corrupt the police was and what kind of methods of brutality they used against prisoners and how they beat up people to death and one of the greatest examples is "Khaled Said" an Alexandrian young man who was beaten to death by the police.
On that day protests went on the streets in a lot of different places in Egypt and a lot of people got later on arrested and were beaten up by the police, tear gas was fired and the protesters.
During these protests the Egyptian Television didn't mention anything about them. They totally ignored them. And showed videos of the Egyptian police and celebrated their day on TV while the people were protesting against the regime and against the way the egyptian police deal with people.
Governmental newspapers covered the day as followed, they said that the Egyptian people went on the streets in demonstrations to show respect to the police and they even gave them flowers and chocolates.
Of course some Egyptians give the State television and newspapers a lot of credibility so they believed them that nothing had happened.
The next couple of days the Egyptian Television has went totally mad. They either aired complete lies or they ignored reporting on some things that were going on in Egypt.
They would bring a shot of Tahrir square where most of the Egyptians in Cairo were protesting and tell lies that these are thugs or spies or foreigners or Egyptians who have some kind of an agenda who are paid to destroy Egypt.
They'd pay people to speak on the television and fake stories for example the very famous " Tamer from Ghamra" who called and kept on crying on television that he was beaten by the protesters in Tahrir who are trying to distroy the country.
One of the methods they used to scare people away was letting people call on air and cry and shout and say that they are being attacked by thugs right now. That was a way to keep everyone at home protecting their families so that no one would go to Tahrir .
So basically thorough the first 18 days of the revolution till the day Mubarak stepped down Egyptian State Television and Governmental Newspapers were either telling lies or hiding the truth in some way.

Egyptian State Television and news papers after February 11th 

(The transformation)

On February 11th 2011 former Egyptian President Mubarak stepped down after an 18 day of protesting by the Egyptian people.
At that day all of a sudden the Egyptian State television transformed completely, they were first against the protests and never were on the people's sides and were telling lies about them and all of a sudden after Mubarak stepped down the Egyptian television started celebrating the "Egyptian Revolution" that has led the bad President to step down though he was the good man half an hour earlier. That was some sort of a very schizophrenic act from a State Television.
All of a sudden the people in Tahrir became heroes after they've been called spies and thugs for 18 days.
The newspapers who totally ignored the protests and wrote lies about it had headlines the next day that " The people have won" and they praised the revolution and the Egyptians who died for this revolution they made heroes out of everyone they called thugs before.
That "transformation" was understood by a lot of people. Because they all thought that the anchors and journalists were under a lot of pressure during the 18 days and had to do their job -although personally I believe that they should've quit instead of telling lies because that is not a proper job- .
Starting that day the State Television and governmental newspaper finally were on the Revolution's side and started showing real footage of the demonstrations that they ignored showing during the 18 days.

 Egyptian State Television and newspapers under the military rule 
post January 25th

After Mubarak stepped down the Military took over and is now kind of replacing the President till the next presidential elections.
The way the Egyptian State Television and newspapers are dealing with the Military is the same way they dealt with Mubarak when he was ruling.
There's this famous phrase that has been used in the last few months "El magles khatt ahmar" which means the " Military Council is a Red line". No one is allowed to even think of criticising anything they do.
Those who did were arrested and faces military court. For example Maikel Nabil and Egyptian Blogger who in just one Blog showed footage and pictures of corruption in the Military, he showed how they helped in killing the protesters in Tahrir how on the famous "mawket el gamal" The Camel incident they were just watching from afar and didn't protect the protesters. He was arrested from his house after publishing that post online and faced military trial and has been in military prison ever since.
So after a huge revolution like this the Egyptian State Television and Newspapers are still representing the voice of the people in power not the Egyptian people.
A lot of facts are not allowed to be said on Egyptian television, lately the lies have appeared again. For example there was a huge demonstration in Tahrir in late November that was against the Military Trials for Civilians and it was asking SCAF to give the power to a revolutionary council and at the same time there was a demonstration in Abbaseya a pro SCAF one. The numbers in Abbaseya were very little compared to the one in Tahrir. What the State Television did was showing two pictures one from Tahrir and the other supposedly from Abbaseya though anyone who has been to Tahrir before could tell that both are in Tahrir but just two different angles.
A lot of activists have been asking and blogging lately about an #OccupyMaspero movement. Where they want to "clean" the maspero building -state TV- from all the lies and the authorities there that force the journalists and anchors to hide the truth from the Egyptian people. Activists think that this is the only way the Revolution would ever see light. Which is by cleaning the State Television from all the lies and old methods.

written on Monday December 12th 2011

Friday, 18 November 2011

A schizophrenic day in Tahrir #Nov18

So.. Tahrir Square a happy place.. full of emotions, memories and everything else.. I experienced joy, hate, anger, fear and sadness in that place.. Probably everyone who was there during the 18 days knows how I feel. Anyhow.. I just got back home after a day in the square .. the numbers were huge ! almost as crowded as the old days.. yet it left me with mixed feelings.. It was a crazy place, I started my day around a group of liberals which was okay.. the people are open minded they're not extremists in anyway I was close to Omar Makram.. I decided to go to Talaat Harb street, I took the short way thru the metro.. while going up the metro stairs to Talaat Harb street I heard a chant that kept me frozen in my place for a few seconds " al sha3b yorid tatbi2 shar3 allah " that total extreme Islamist chant  totally hit me ... I wasn't in Egypt on the 29th of July when Tahrir was totally occupied by Salafis and Ikhwan, so today was my first shock with such chants.. and the chants kept going louder " allahu akbar" and "islameya islameya" That was the first time for me personally to hear non political chants in Tahrir .. It was never like that, on the other hand there where the amazing chants I love the anti SCAF chants .. " alsha3b yorid eskat el moushir" and " yaskot yaskot 7okm el 3askar e7na elsha3b el khatt el a7mar" and " yangeeb 7a2ohom yanmout zayohom" .
All these chants were present today.. it was a weird mix that changed my mood a lot .. from angry to depressed to cheerful .. Schizophrenia at it best I must say...
I got sexually harassed  of course like any other female in the square I suppose .. Verbally A LOT ! and physically 4 times .. plus the times that men pass by and touch my ass or boobs as if it was a mistake coz it's crowded.. it might have been a mistake .. I can never tell.
So right now, I'm home kind of devastated .. Tho the numbers were huge and everything .. but the general atmosphere wasn't the atmosphere I like..
I hope they stop going to tahrir for their religious causes .. I really do .. It was never like that.. and it should NEVER be like that..
This is my Tahrir, our Tahrir.. my baby.. I'm too attached to that place and I don't want ANYONE to mess with it.
This place is sacred for me.. and I believe for others too..
I want my safe home back.. I want it back.. I don't want anyone to use it anymore for any purposes whether for their religious believes or their parliament or presidential campaigns..

I want my Tahrir back where men used to protect me when it got dangerous there not use the situation to touch my body..

I'm sad

Sunday, 28 August 2011

The girl who lost her mind

I know a girl who lost here mind
from a constant feeling that was inside
alone she cried while everyone smiled
she couldn't get it out of her mind.

She had a smile that killed the guys
they would've traveled for many miles
just to see her face that used to shine
but now she's left in a world of lies

She used to smile but now she cries
she used to shine but now she hides
she was the girl who did everything right
but now she's the girl who lost her mind

She just couldn't take it anymore
it kept on killing her more and more
each time she tried to survive
it held her down and took her life

her world was falling apart
while she was trying to play her part
her part in the tragedy she was living in
where she was drowning in a sea of sin


while now am standing on her grave
I'm saying the prayer that might save
save me from living the life she had
coz her end was really fuckin bad

smth I wrote 5 years ago

lying here in a prison cell
Got no where to go.
Got no one to be
Counting every tear that is falling from me!

Consumed by hope
That is fading away
Enslaved to darkness
That won’t go away
Surrounded by loneliness
That is getting more
Caught in dreams
That I’m longing for

Holding the knife in my shaky hand
thinking of the moment where I can
Save my life from this pain
that has became my life

Consumed by hope
That is fading away
Enslaved to darkness
That won’t go away
Surrounded by loneliness
That is getting more
Caught in dreams
That I’m longing for

Now that the moment is here
Where I can release all my fear
I cut myself so deep
Now I’m finally free

As I open my eyes
I see everything is white
Is that heaven am in, or is hell so bright?
Isn’t that my love that I left behind?

(An Angel): He’s the one who saved you.
And took u back to his life!

Friday, 19 August 2011

When hashtags move from twitter to your dreams!

I dream of hashtags! loadz and loadz of hashtags ! 

I suppose after the recent events taking place all over the world specially in the Middle east and specifically in Egypt.. The easiest way to get hold of any news happening is just to search for a certain #Hashtag !

The last couple of days I've been searching different hashtags .. and doing my best to make some hashtags trend worldwide which always ends with a huge failure because the world cares more about hashtags like #WMYBMUSICVIDEO than #SyriaBleeds ! 

Anyway last night I had one of the weirdest dreams ever.. I saw myself writing an exam.. and the paper was full of hashtags..An exam full of hashtags..

Hashtags like :

#NoMilTrials : which is against Military trials for civilians in Egypt !
#NOSCAF: which is against the rule of the Military Council in Egypt!
#Egypt: well the hashtag explains it self.
#Jan25 : A day I'll never forget, The day the Egyptian revolution started.
#July8: The start of the second sit in that I didn't take part of coz I'm abroad.
#Tahrir: THE PLACE where it all started.
#Tahrir: The symbol of the revolution.
#Tahrir: a hashtag that was a trend world wide during the first couple of days of the revolution.
#Sinai: for current events taking place on the border with what they call "Israel" which is actually PALESTINE!
#Gaza: A beautiful place in Palestine that's been suffering for years.
#Syria: A country trying to gain their freedom but their Dictator #Assad is a murderer and is killing the people.
#SyriaBleeds: It shows the number of people dying and getting injured coz of a Dictator ruling Syria.

Endless hashtags.. Each and everyone is important in a way.. Each hashtag connects you to the world.. it connects you to certain events.. connects you to people asking for media attention.. 

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Gender: FEMALE !!!!!

Name: Nada

Height: 165cm

Weight: 84 Kilos

Age: 22

Gender: female
Gender: female
Gender: female
Gender: female
Gender: female

I am an overweight 22 year old girl. I don't have confidence to wear any revealing cloths, because
I am overweight. I usually wear jeans and t-shirts and converse. Nothing erotic about that ha?
Anyway, mosebti el soda el mehabeba fe omm el balad dih is that I have big boobs! yea.. can't hide them,
I wish i could, i guess it would spare me around 5-10 verbal abuses each day.
I hate going to crowded places coz men eventually end up touching my boobs and act as if they dont mean it.
lately i've developed a skill, i fucking hit anyone at a crowded place with my elbow who touches me.
And honestly it feels good doing that!

I've been living all my life in Egypt,
I've been sexually harrassed a lot.
Verbally harassed
Physically harassed
been grabbed by men walking down the sreets
I see me staring at my boobs while walking down the street.
It feels terrible

The coming part is a story of one of the sickest things I experienced:

I was around 12years old in a cab going to my swimming training, it was a Saturday morning, on a hot summer day in cairo, I took a taxi from dokki to zamalek, i reached my destination,I was sitting in the back seat, the taxi driver stopped the taxi for me to get off and as I was giving him the money,he held my hand and  kind of pulled  me he couldn't pull me close as i was still in the back seat, anyway.. he was still holding my hand i was trying to let go and he said wait a bit... and he looked down, i looked and i found him holding something between his legs and rubbing it.. I had no idea what he was doing.. it just felt wrong, I was about to scream then he let my hand go i opened the door and ran away... an egyptian 12 year old girl who goes to an all girls school wouldn't know that he was jerking off ! I kinda realized a bit later what that was all about..

that was one of the stories that i experienced ... believe me there are much worse things that happened to me... but I guess that story is enough to share.

I always say something when i get verbally harassed, i can't always control my reaction... but when I can I tend to talk to my harasser and make him feel really bad about it, some of them end up apologizing I swear.
The only situation where i seriously can't control myself is when i get harassed by a police asshole guarding an embassy or a bank for example... I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR THAT KINDA SHIT !
and sadly the revolution didn't change their attitude.. I just spit on one of them 3 days ago.. and he deserved more than that!

as for the part of the cloths being the reason why women get harassed ... it's not the cloths.. it's the men's dirty minds that undress the woman... no matter what she's wearing... they wouldn't even notice what she's wearing.. they undress her in their own minds.. that is sick !!
 I am very pessimistic .. and I know that the men's  behavior won't change anytime soon..

 I blame their attitude on the society we live in .. where they were brought up thinking that men are by default better than women.. more privileged than women.. stronger than women.. and that would lead me to speak about the gender equality. But I won't.

I have so much to say... and I'll be writing another post in like 10 hours or something...


Sunday, 12 June 2011

أنا بستظرف

طيب و بعدن باءة ؟ 
أنا عندي إحساس إني تعبت نفسيا و جسديا و عصبيا من الناس كلها 

فاكرين وقت الثورة وبعدها كان الشعب كله بيتكلم ف السياسة و الناس فرحت و أعادوا يقولو والله الشعب مطلعش تافه و جاهل وبتاع الثورة خلت الشعب مثقف سياسيا و كلام من ده كتير.

بس بجد بجد خلاص ! كفاية مصطلحات غريبة ، كفاية فاتي،  كفاية كلام في حاجة إنتو مش فاهمينها . ماسوني ليبرالي مصاص دماء ابن وسخة ! 

 أه و عالفكرة ياروحي لو أنت مش متخرج من سياسة و إقتصاد مثلا و بدأت تتكلم عن إن إقتصاد البلد بييانهار، الاقتصاد  البتتكلم  عليه دة  بينيسبالي بظبط زي عفاف شعيب لما كانت منهارة على الريشة و البدزة. فا ياريت تخرس .. فاهم ؟ 

أقولك على سر هع أنا معطلة عاجلة الإنتاج أصلي سرقت كل ..... (هو جمع منفاخ إيه؟) المهم أنا سرقت كل المنفاخ الفلبلد و إتبرعت بهم لضحايا التسونامي فاليابان ! هما هيعرفو يستخدموه أحسن .

أنا عملت ائتلاف إسمو ائتلاف أم علي .. أصلي بحب الأم علي فشخ و كمان جدتي تبقى أم علي عشان بابا إسمو علي ! 

كفاية استظراف !

أنا مشية عايزة أعمل بيبي !

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

الجيش فشخنا !

طيب أنا لقيت الصورة ديه على فيسبوك ! دي تعليمات من الجيش الفشخنا و أعد بيفشخنا إنو ممنوع عرض فيديو لموقعة الجمال الهما كانو واقفين بيتفرجو و هي بتحصل ! و بعدن باءة فالخرى دة  ؟؟؟؟؟ 

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Amr Moussa meets ElBaradei (my own theory)

Tayeb.. el Note di is based on my own thoughts own ideas own theories i thought i could share maybe.. maybe y3ni i'd point of some points and facts that some people are not aware of ! And since we are finally becoming a democratic country feel free tab3an to share your own opinions.. I am not writing this to defend anyone... I believe everyone who wants to run for the presidential elections has the right to do that, and people have the right to vote to whoever they want..

Bas ana fe ra2i el shakhsi tamaman w el mesh hafredo 3ala ay 7ad ! (ana bafadfad bas y3ni) mazonesh enno Amr Moussa yaslo7 enno yekoon Ra2is le gomhoureyet masr el 3arabeya el E7NA KOLENA sa3edna fe eskat el 7okm el kazer el mostabedd el kan fiha toul 3omri we aktar tab3an!

Nabza tarikheya sagheera 3ala addi 3an Amr Moussa :
Mesek Amr Moussa wezaret el khargeya lemodet 10 seneen ! YALAHWI 10 seneen men 7okm el ra2is el makhlou3 el madroub bel shebsheb .. we fe khelal el fatra di geh 3 ro2asa2 wozara el homa : Atef Sedki, Kamal Ganzouri, we Atef Ebaid ! ba3daha men sanat 2001 kan amin 3am le gam3et el dowal el 3arabeya ! an an an ! we delwa2ti 3ayez yerasha7 nafso lel re2asa !

Nabza tarikheya sagheera 3ala Mohammed El Baradei:
el ragel etwalad fe masr 3ash fe masr w daras fe masr we rabena karamo y3ni we sha2 tari2o.. men aham el 7agat el 3amalha eno kan el Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency le modet 12 sana ! kano zomala2o beyo3odo yerasha7ou eno yemsek el manseb da tani 3ashan howa kan shater.. zay ma amr moussa kano el 3arab beyrasha7ou yemsek manseb amin 3am gam3et el dowal el 3arabeya 3ashan kan meraya7hom bardo!
el mohem El baradei kaman akhad gayzet Nobel lel salam. wel ragel fel fatra el akhira kan 3ayesh fel nemsa. 3ayesh fe balad democrateya nedifa mota3alema.. kalemuni we a7kilko 3al nemsa!

Mabda2eyan el ye2ollak el baradei mayenfa3sh yekoon ra2is 3alashan howa makansh 3ayesh hena keteer we mashafsh el araf wel zolm el kan beye7sal we keda. tayeb matedo forsa le wa7ed 3ash fe belad nedifa fiha democrateya we fehem el far2 fel 3isha we shafhom 3ayshin ezay we monazameen ezay we keda eno yegi we yetaba2 el 7agat el shafha henak hena. da howa da aslan el matloub.

Amr Moussa men awelha 3omro ma tele3 we 2al ana ded el nezam we orid eskat el nezam! Amr moussa kan dayman mostafad men kol el anzema el kazera el 3aded 3ala el balad we el 3alam el 3arabi kollo! kan 3alatoul shaghal ma3 Mubarak we 3omro ma 2al LA2!  Shater awi awi fel kalam zay kol el 7okkam el 3arab, ay moseeba we moshkela te7sal 3omro ma beyboselha men el manzour el 3elmi.. howa beyetkalem we ye2oul she3arat! zayo zay mubarak zay kol el shella el fasda dih aw el 3esaba y3ni! kont keteer awi basma3o bey2oul kelmet NA7NU NODEEN ! y3ni eh nodeen .. hato3od todeen keda keteer?...
tari2to adima! old fashioned! tari2to mawgouda ba2alha 62 sana fe masr! tari2et el she3arat el kazzaba ! maba2etsh takol ma3ana e7na el 7agat dih khalas.. ana 3an nafsi 3ayza 3elm 3ayza fe3l .. zehe2t men el kalam..
da gheir el fedi7a el kobra el ektashafnaha lama zamayli fel sawra dakhalo amn el dawla we la2o wa7ed men el documents bet2oul eno lama Amr Moussa ra7 el Tahrir da kan 2amr men amn el dawla.. yasheikh etkesef 3ala nafsak.. da gheirak men el morasha7een nezlo men awel yom lama kan el mawdou3 kazer mengheir ma 7ad ye2olohom.. ana 3an nafsi masalan shoft el Dr. Ayman Noor yom 25 January odam dar el kada2 el 3ali, we el Baradei nezel yom 28 yom gom3et el ghadab y3ni ! we naktashef en Amr Moussa ra7 be 2amr men amn el dawla? la2 3eib ya sheikh walahi!

fi no2ta tanya mohema.. ana shayfa eno el hayemsek manseb el re2asa lazem yekoon 2edari kwayes! ye3raf yedeer el balad y3ni.. Amr Moussa kan sekereter 22 dictator 3ala ra2i Ibrahim Eissa ! Amr Moussa ba3d ma Libya etbahdelet we shouf kam wa7ed mat fiha we khesret add eh karrar ye3mel egtema3 tare2 on Saturday! la2 ma badri fe3lan! da manzar wa7ed daryan bel bey7sal y3ni.. omal law maseknah Masr 3alashan ye3id fiha el 7ayah ba3d 30 sana men el fasad wel zolm we kol da.. haye3mel eh? hayaktashef ba3d 4 seneen el heya fatret el re2asa aslan eno ma3amalsh 7aga lessa?

Da gheir ba2a el kalam el kolena 3arino en men kam sana lama el Kuwait makantsh 3ayza terasha7o tani lel manseb we 2alet enaha heya el betdfa3lo felous we beta3.. does that sound like FASAD to you? da mesh bas 3ayesh 3ala 2afa Masr da 3ayesh 3ala 2afa el belad el 3arabeya kolaha..

we yegi 7ad yes2alni... yatara meen asdeka2 Amr Moussa? meen Kan Amr Moussa beyetshaf ma3ah fel Sheraton ray7in yekhrogo? kan beytshaf ma3 Ahmed Gaddaf El Dam! ebn el magnoun Gaddafi ! ekhieee ! leh keda ya Amr ?? Da gheir ba2a amlako we beyouto we kol el kalam da el motasher tab3an 3and ay 7ad kan ta7t nezam Mubarak !

ana ba2oul le ay 7ad beyfakar bel osloub el adim BARRA! mesh 3ayza.. khalas ereft we te3ebt!
3ayza 7ad 3ando mokh ! 7ad mesh mashi 3ala system adeem ! 3ayza 7ad ye3raf ma3na el manseb el howa fih !
7ad yemasel MASR kwayes odam el 3alam kollo.. yekoon fih 2ima le masr y3ni !
3ayza kol el estafado men el nezam el adim yetla3o barra! BARRA ! kefaya keda 3aleko begad!

Ana fel akher el Note y3ni ba2oul yareit nefakar keda bel 3a2l.. we need FRESH NEW BLOOD in our system.. mesh 3ayzin 7aga adima ri7etha nafs ri7et el nezam el adim...
ana mestaneya el barameg el re2aseya beta3et kol el morasha7een gidan ! we mestaneya ashoof leka2at ma3 kol el morasha7een zay el leka2 beta3 el Baradei.

P.S : PLEASE VOTE ! VOTE for the complete change of the consitution ! VOTE for the best president and be totally conviced when you vote that you want THAT person to be your president.. VOTE fe entekhabat Magles el sha3b wel shoura ! Balash tesma3o esha3at, abous 2edeko matkhaloush kelab amn el dawla el fadla fel balad teshatet tafkirko!


Nada Amin